2014-2015 K-W Lightning Tryout Registration Form

Click which team(s)
your daughter is
trying out for
 Juel - 1998, 1997 & 1996 
 Junior - 1997 & 1996 
 Juvenile - 1998 
 Juel Prep - 2000 & 1999 
 Major Midget - 1999 
 Midget - 2000 
 Major Bantam - Born 2001 
 Bantam - Born 2002 
 Major Atom - Born 2003 
 Atom - Born 2004 
 Novice - Born 2007, 2006 & 2005 
 Bolts (House League) - Born 2009, 2008 & 2007 

Please press CAPS LOCK to complete form and use TAB key to move through fields.
Name *
Please use CAPS LOCK
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) *

Player's Email
Player's Cell #


Mom's Name *
Mom's Cell #

Dad's Name
Dad's Cell #

Parent Email #1 *
Parent Email #2

Home Street *
City *
Postal Code *
Format N3B 1M3 (remember space)
Home Phone #


School Attending *
Graduating Year
Height *
Format 5' 7" (include ' and ")